
The Olivier Fourie Research Room is the Dunes Center’s research library housing documents, books, articles, journals, and articles relating to local natural and cultural phenomenon.

The Research Room’s namesake, Olivier Fourie (1924-1973), was a life-long educator who enjoyed working with people and enriching their lives.  The natural sciences library at the Dunes Center commemorates his love of the beaches of California and his love of learning.  With the development of this resource center, researchers and visitors of all ages can learn more about the wonders of this magnificent natural environment.  His family feels it serves as a fitting and worthy memorial to him.

  • To view a list of the Dune Center's collection, click here.
  • To view a list of the printed material in the Dunes Center’s collection, click here.

To research artifacts housed in the Dunes Center’s collection, which includes archaeological artifacts from Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments and natural history objects, click here (coming soon).

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