Building Bird Boxes for the Western Bluebird
Who: You, your family, and your friends!
What: Join us for our first ever afternoon bird box building community event.
When: April 4, 2015 ; 11:00AM to 1:00PM
Where: The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Center in Guadalupe.
Why: Western Bluebirds are beautiful birds that control insect populations and help gardens flourish. You can enjoy the sight of these wonderful thrushes on a daily basis if you take home a bird box and mount it near your home or in your backyard.
How? The Dunes Center will provide all the necessary hardware, lumber, and tools needed to create your Western bluebird box.
Reserve a spot today! Only 12 spots are available! Limit one box per household
Deadline: March 27, 2015
How to reserve a spot: send an email to: [email protected] with your name and a home or cell phone number; OR Call us at (805) 343-2455 to sign up over the phone!
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