Bring the incredible world of Science and History into your home with our daily educational activities! Every day we will post a new activity that focuses on the world around us. We will post activities that highlight our local biodiversity, local history, and science experiments. Each of these activities is designed to encourage your child to think scientifically and utilize their imaginations in the comfort of your home. Please follow our Facebook and Instagram for updates! Check back regularly for new activities!

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Funding provided by the special interest license plate featuring the image of Snoopy, with permission and support from Peanuts Worldwide (Section 5169 of the Vehicle Code) for the Museum Grant Program under the California Cultural and Historical Endowment.



Click on the pictures below to access each activity.

Sustainability Food Journal
Do you know if the food you eat is good or bad for the environment? Some of the foods we eat are not sustainable and can actually cause damage to the environment. Create your own food journal to track what you eat!

Do you know if the food you eat is good or bad for the environment? Some of the foods we eat are not sustainable and can actually cause damage to the environment. Create your own food journal to track what you eat!

Create a Plant
Use your creativity to design your own plant and learn about different plant adaptations with this activity!

Use your creativity to design your own plant and learn about different plant adaptations with this activity!

Mountain Lion Safety
Have you ever come across a mountain lion? In this activity, learn all about the mysterious mountain lion and what to do if you come across one on a hike!

Have you ever come across a mountain lion? In this activity, learn all about the mysterious mountain lion and what to do if you come across one on a hike!

Mammal Cards Matching Game
Study different types of marine mammals and then play a fun mammal card matching game!

Study different types of marine mammals and then play a fun mammal card matching game!

What Can I Recycle_
We all know that recycling is important, but do you ever get confused about what exactly can be recycled? In this activity, learn more about why recycling is so important, and what items you should and should not be recycling.

We all know that recycling is important, but do you ever get confused about what exactly can be recycled? In this activity, learn more about why recycling is so important, and what items you should and should not be recycling.

Poisonous Plants
California has many different types of plants, but did you know that some of them are actually poisonous? Whether they are toxic to humans, animals or leave a rash if you touch them, there are some plants that should be avoided when hiking! Learn about a few of California's toxic plants in this identification activity.

California has many different types of plants, but did you know that some of them are actually poisonous? Whether they are toxic to humans, animals or leave a rash if you touch them, there are some plants that should be avoided when hiking! Learn about a few of California's toxic plants in this identification activity.

Can you spot hidden animals when they are using camouflage? Try your luck in Spot the Animal today!

Can you spot hidden animals when they are using camouflage? Try your luck in Spot the Animal today!

Bird Beak Adaptation
Have you noticed all the different types of beaks birds have? Find out which shape works best for grabbing food with this activity!

Have you noticed all the different types of beaks birds have? Find out which shape works best for grabbing food with this activity!

Soda Bottle Watering Can
Put an artistic twist to recycling with this activity! Design and create your very own soda bottle watering can!

Put an artistic twist to recycling with this activity! Design and create your very own soda bottle watering can!

Parts of a Plant
Did you know that there are around 400,000 species of plants on Earth? Learn about the different parts of plants and how they function in this activity!

Did you know that there are around 400,000 species of plants on Earth? Learn about the different parts of plants and how they function in this activity!

Tide Pool Bingo
BINGO! Play this fun game to learn more about tide pools and the types of critters that can be found in them!

BINGO! Play this fun game to learn more about tide pools and the types of critters that can be found in them!

Snowy Plover Maze
Have you ever seen a Snowy Plover? Learn more about these cute shorebirds and attempt to help the plover find its food through a maze in this activity!

Have you ever seen a Snowy Plover? Learn more about these cute shorebirds and attempt to help the plover find its food through a maze in this activity!

Ways to Live Sustainably
Do you know the different ways you can live sustainably? Make a poster with this activity to help your family remember the simple things they can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Do you know the different ways you can live sustainably? Make a poster with this activity to help your family remember the simple things they can do to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Nature Prints
Have you ever noticed how unique each leaf is? Whether they are from the same plant, or different plants, leaves all have different patterns and characteristics. See for yourself just how unique each leaf is with this activity, and create beautiful art using nature!

Have you ever noticed how unique each leaf is? Whether they are from the same plant, or different plants, leaves all have different patterns and characteristics. See for yourself just how unique each leaf is with this activity, and create beautiful art using nature!

Sand Dune Formation
Create your own sand dunes with this activity that demonstrates how wind builds massive sand dunes over time!

Create your own sand dunes with this activity that demonstrates how wind builds massive sand dunes over time!

Build a Bird Nest
Build your own bird nest with this fun outdoor activity! Birds are some of the best engineers on the planet and have the ability to construct beautiful nests. Can you build a nest as good as a bird can?

Build your own bird nest with this fun outdoor activity! Birds are some of the best engineers on the planet and have the ability to construct beautiful nests. Can you build a nest as good as a bird can?

Beach Cleanup
Want to learn how you can help protect marine organisms from plastic entanglement? Check out this activity!

Want to learn how you can help protect marine organisms from plastic entanglement? Check out this activity!

Exploding Seed Pods
Do you know how plants disperse their seeds? Find out how some plants explode their seed pods to disperse seeds with this activity!

Do you know how plants disperse their seeds? Find out how some plants explode their seed pods to disperse seeds with this activity!

Grow a Gummy Bear
Learn about osmosis in this activity and grow your own gummy bears! In this 24-hour long experiment, watch as gummy bears fill up with water before your eyes!

Learn about osmosis in this activity and grow your own gummy bears! In this 24-hour long experiment, watch as gummy bears fill up with water before your eyes!

DIY Mammal Tracks
Can you identify mammal tracks on a hike? With this activity, learn about four very common mammal tracks and make your own DIY guide to bring with you on a hike or hang up as art!

Can you identify mammal tracks on a hike? With this activity, learn about four very common mammal tracks and make your own DIY guide to bring with you on a hike or hang up as art!

Backyard Biodiversity
How diverse is your backyard? Learn all about biodiversity and discover just how much biodiversity can be seen in your own yard with this fun, outdoor activity!

How diverse is your backyard? Learn all about biodiversity and discover just how much biodiversity can be seen in your own yard with this fun, outdoor activity!

How Do Plants Drink
Have you ever wondered how a plant drinks its water? Plants drink water just like humans do, see how in this experiment!

Have you ever wondered how a plant drinks its water? Plants drink water just like humans do, see how in this experiment!

Plants and Pollinators
Pollination is a very important step in the reproduction of plants and can't be done without insects like bees and butterflies. Learn about the relationship between plants and pollinators in this fun and yummy activity!

Pollination is a very important step in the reproduction of plants and can't be done without insects like bees and butterflies. Learn about the relationship between plants and pollinators in this fun and yummy activity!

Mammal Word Search
Keep your eyes peeled during this tricky word search with 24 different mammals hidden in it!

Keep your eyes peeled during this tricky word search with 24 different mammals hidden in it!

What's Your Ecological Footprint_
Find out what your ecological footprint is with this activity, and brainstorm ways to help reduce your impact on the environment!

Find out what your ecological footprint is with this activity, and brainstorm ways to help reduce your impact on the environment!

Nature Memory Matching Game
Train your brain with this fun nature memory matching game

Train your brain with this fun nature memory matching game!

Dissolving Candy Canes
Celebrate the holidays with this fun science experiment! Watch as four different substances dissolve candy canes at different speeds, and make predictions about which substance you think will dissolve the candy canes the fastest!

Celebrate the holidays with this fun science experiment! Watch as four different substances dissolve candy canes at different speeds, and make predictions about which substance you think will dissolve the candy canes the fastest!

Holiday Sink or Float Experiment
Don't put away those holiday decorations just yet! Learn about buoyancy with this fun Holiday Sink or Float Experiment using holiday decorations found in your home!

Don't put away those holiday decorations just yet! Learn about buoyancy with this fun Holiday Sink or Float Experiment using holiday decorations found in your home!

Help Grow The grinches Heart
With the Holidays around the corner enjoy this fun holiday experiment. Help grow the Grinch’s heart by three sizes! Use simple at home ingredients to create this experiment!

With the Holidays around the corner enjoy this fun holiday experiment. Help grow the Grinch’s heart by three sizes! Use simple at home ingredients to create this experiment!

Mule Deer Holiday Card
Learn about Mule Deer and make your own holiday card for friends and family with this activity!

Learn about Mule Deer and make your own holiday card for friends and family with this activity!

Chlorophyll Art
Do you know why plants are green? Find out in our chlorophyll art activity, were you use the chlorophyll from plants to make a painting!

Do you know why plants are green? Find out in our chlorophyll art activity, were you use the chlorophyll from plants to make a painting!

Seeing with Sound Activity
In today's activity, explore why dolphins are considered mammals and experience how they use echolocation to find their food!

In today's activity, explore why dolphins are considered mammals and experience how they use echolocation to find their food!

Manny the Mule Deer  Line Maze
Help Manny get home! Use a pencil and guide through the maze to help Manny get home. Along the way you'll learn what makes Manny unique to the central coast!

Help Manny get home! Use a pencil and guide through the maze to help Manny get home. Along the way you'll learn what makes Manny unique to the central coast!

Central Coast Ecosystems
Get ready to learn about all the different kinds of ecosystems on the Central Coast in this activity! From the pine forests, to the sand dunes, we will learn all about ecosystems in this fun activity!

Get ready to learn about all the different kinds of ecosystems on the Central Coast in this activity! From the pine forests, to the sand dunes, we will learn all about ecosystems in this fun activity!

I spy CA Vertebrates
This activity will test your knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates, while also testing you’re your skills of observation and perception! Search for all of the California vertebrates in this I Spy activity!

This activity will test your knowledge of vertebrates and invertebrates, while also testing you’re your skills of observation and perception! Search for all of the California vertebrates in this I Spy activity!

Leaf breathing experiment
Have you ever wondered how plants breathe? In this DIY experiment you will learn how plants breathe, a process that is usually invisible!

Have you ever wondered how plants breathe? In this DIY experiment you will learn how plants breathe, a process that is usually invisible!

Mammal Word Search
This fun word search is a perfect game for the entire family. Try and find all 8 words in this activity and have the opportunity to draw your favorite mammal!

This fun word search is a perfect game for the entire family. Try and find all 8 words in this activity and have the opportunity to draw your favorite mammal!

The Compost Cycle
Before you create your very own compost pile, learn about the different steps in the composting cycle with this activity!

Before you create your very own compost pile, learn about the different steps in the composting cycle with this activity!

Keystone Species
Learn what a keystone species is and why they are so important in this fun and informational activity.

Learn what a keystone species is and why they are so important in this fun and informational activity.

Dunes Food Web
How are owls, snakes, and kangaroo rats all related? Find out in this activity! You will learn about food webs, species, and dunes ecosystems all from the comfort of your home!

How are owls, snakes, and kangaroo rats all related? Find out in this activity! You will learn about food webs, species, and dunes ecosystems all from the comfort of your home!

Color by number California Chipmunk mask
Create your very own California Chipmunk mask at home! Use the color by number guide while learning some fun facts about the California Chipmunk.

Create your very own California Chipmunk mask at home! Use the color by number guide while learning some fun facts about the California Chipmunk.

Betty the Burrowing Owl
If you love silly sentences and want to learn more about Betty, the Burrowing owl's exciting day, this activity is just for you. Fill in the blank areas with adjectives, verbs, and nouns to describe the CRAZY day Betty has had.

If you love silly sentences and want to learn more about Betty, the Burrowing owl's exciting day, this activity is just for you. Fill in the blank areas with adjectives, verbs, and nouns to describe the CRAZY day Betty has had.

Sustainability -Earth Art Activity
Leaves, Sticks, rocks and many other small pieces of nature turn into a great medium to make art with! Get outside, get your hands dirty and feel the calming effect nature and making mandalas has for you!

Leaves, Sticks, rocks and many other small pieces of nature turn into a great medium to make art with! Get outside, get your hands dirty and feel the calming effect nature and making mandalas has for you!

DIY Leaf Ghosts
Create some fun environmentally friendly leaf ghosts just in time for Halloween!

Create some fun environmentally friendly leaf ghosts just in time for Halloween!

The CA Ground Squirrel
In this game you will use your sense of smell to tell which items are food and which aren't. Play with friends or family and see who would make the best ground squirrel!

In this game you will use your sense of smell to tell which items are food and which aren't. Play with friends or family and see who would make the best ground squirrel!

Butterflies Crossword
Learn about some common butterflies and then enjoy a fun butterfly themed crossword.

Learn about some common butterflies and then enjoy a fun butterfly themed crossword with today's activity.

animal classification lesson
Teach you kids how scientist classify animals and help identify the new creatures found in the dunes using a dichotomous key!

Teach you kids how scientist classify animals and help identify the new creatures found in the dunes using a dichotomous key!

Plastic Recycling Craft
Learn how to recycle at home with this cute and creative shrunken plastic craft!

Learn how to recycle at home with this cute and creative shrunken plastic craft!

DIY lava Lamp
Learn about the properties of density and learn how to create your very own DIY Lava Lamp with this activity!

Learn about the properties of density and learn how to create your very own DIY Lava Lamp with this activity!

Fern lesson
Learn all about how diverse ferns are in this botany lesson!

Learn all about how diverse ferns are in this botany lesson!

Vanishing color Experiment!
This experiment will demonstrate how color can be removed through the properties of bleach (make sure to do this one with a parent!)

The Vanishing Color Experiment will demonstrate how color can be removed through the properties of bleach (make sure to do this one with a parent!)

Vertebrate - Blubber Experiment
Learn about how marine mammals stay warm in the ocean with this fun experiment!

Learn about how marine mammals stay warm in the ocean with this fun experiment!

Oil Spill Activity
Teach your kids the negative effects of oil spills and the gravity of how hard they are to clean up with this powerful lesson.

Teach your kids the negative effects of oil spills and the gravity of how hard they are to clean up with this powerful lesson.

Bears of California
Learn about bears, hibernation, and learn a fun game to play with your family friends.

Learn about bears, hibernation, and learn a fun game to play with your family friends.

Learn the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy with this fun activity!

Learn the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy with this fun activity!

Western Sand Piper_Bill Game
Learn about the Western Sandpiper and how to play a fun game that simulates how they find food with this activity!

Learn about the Western Sandpiper and how to play a fun game that simulates how they find food with this activity!

Central Coast Native Plants Scavenger hunt
Make a hike more interesting with this scavenger hunt. Take it with you while hiking through the foothills of the Central Coast!

Make a hike more interesting with this scavenger hunt. Take it with you while hiking through the foothills of the Central Coast to tech you and your kids the names of some common plants!

Lifecycle of a Frog
Learn about the life cycle of the tree frog with this fun activity!

Learn about the life cycle of the tree frog with this fun activity!

Leaf Rubbings
Have you ever noticed the different shapes and textures of leaves? Try out this leaf rubbings activity and create a beautiful piece of art while also comparing different leaf shapes! This nature inspires art will impress all of your friends and family!

Have you ever noticed the different shapes and textures of leaves? Try out this leaf rubbings activity and create a beautiful piece of art while also comparing different leaf shapes! This nature inspires art will impress all of your friends and family!

DIY Excavation
Learn how to make this do-it-yourself excavation kit using two household items with this step by step guide!

Learn how to make this do-it-yourself excavation kit using two household items with this step by step guide!

Nature Journal
Create your very own nature journal with a few household items using the instructions in this activity!

Create your very own nature journal with a few household items using the instructions in this activity!

California Poppies
Create your own tissue paper poppy and learn about California's iconic flower with this activity.

Create your own tissue paper poppy and learn about California's iconic flower with this activity.

Origami Mammal Activity
Learn how to create an origami whale, sea otter, and rabbit with this activity!

Learn how to create an origami whale, sea otter, and rabbit with this activity!

Air Pollution Experiment
 Learn to measure pollution levels using items from around the house with today's activity!

Learn to measure pollution levels using items from around the house with today's activity!

Nature Bugs Activity
Follow along with this activity to learn how to create your very own nature bug masterpiece!

Follow along with this activity to learn how to create your very own nature bug masterpiece!

Egg Drop
Today’s activity demonstrates the laws of physics through an egg drop experiment! Forewarning, this might get a little messy!

Today’s activity demonstrates the laws of physics through an egg drop experiment! Forewarning, this might get a little messy!

Ocean Acidification Activity
Learn about ocean acidification and conduct an experiment to see how ocean acidification affects seashells with this activity.

Learn about ocean acidification and conduct an experiment to see how ocean acidification affects seashells with this activity.

Sand Dollar Tic-Tac-Toe
Learn some fun facts about sand dollars and create your own Tic-Tac-Toe set with this activity.

Learn some fun facts about sand dollars and create your own Tic-Tac-Toe set with this activity.

Sea Otter
Create your own super cute Sea Otter Puppet and learn some fun facts too!

Create your own super cute Sea Otter Puppet and learn some fun facts too!

Backyard Scavenger Hunt
Go on the hunt for some common bugs found in California with today's activity!

Go on the hunt for some common bugs found in California with today's activity!

California Fan Palm
Learn about the only native palm tree in western North America and learn how to create a fun decorative personal goal palm tree!

Learn about the only native palm tree in western North America and learn how to create a fun decorative personal goal palm tree!

Mammal Shadow Puppet
Create a shadow puppet show with the entire family ,and learn about four animals found in California with this activity.

Create a shadow puppet show with the entire family, and learn about four animals found in California with this activity.

Overfishing Game
Teach your kids about overfishing with this interactive game! The entire family can join in!

Teach your kids about overfishing with this interactive game! The entire family can join in!

Color Changing Flowers
Experiment with capillary systems in flowers and learn about how root systems work with this activity!

Experiment with capillary systems in flowers and learn about how root systems work with this activity!

Solar Oven
Make your own solar powered oven!

Make your own solar powered oven!

The Hummingbird
Check out the worksheet in our bio to learn more about hummingbirds and how you can make your very own hummingbird feeder using common household objects!

Check out the worksheet in our bio to learn more about hummingbirds and how you can make your very own hummingbird feeder using common household objects!

Endemic Invertebrates
Learn about a invertebrate species that are only found in California with this activity

Learn about a invertebrate species that are only found in California with this activity

Big Sur Botany Hunt
Lean about some very common plants found in Big Sur with this activity!

Lean about some very common plants found in Big Sur with this activity!

Cloud Watching
Learn about the different types of clouds, and create your own cloud art with this activity!

Learn about the different types of clouds, and create your own cloud art with this activity!

Learn about how and why animals blend in with their environment with this activity!

Learn about how and why animals blend in with their environment with this activity!

Sustainability Spinner
Challenge yourself to live a more sustainable lifestyle with this activity!

Challenge yourself to live a more sustainable lifestyle with this activity!

Squid in a Bottle
Learn about the giant squid and how to make your very own pet squid in a bottle with this activity.

Learn about the giant squid and how to make your very own pet squid in a bottle with this activity.

Beans Activity
Learn about seed germination and how to grow a plant using beans from your kitchen with this activity!

Learn about seed germination and how to grow a plant using beans from your kitchen with this activity!

Animal Dice activity
Show off your animal sound and movements with this fun game! Use this animal dice to take turns making sounds and movements of these common central coast animals. This is a perfect game to get the whole family moving and laughing!

Show off your animal sound and movements with this fun game! Use this animal dice to take turns making sounds and movements of these common central coast animals. This is a perfect game to get the whole family moving and laughing!

Compost Pile
Learn about making and maintaining your own compost pile!

Learn about making and maintaining your own compost pile!

squid vs octopus  lesson
Learn the difference between a squid and an octopus with this activity!

Learn the differences between a squid and an octopus with this activity!

Coyote Brush
Learn about Coyote Bush with this activity.

Learn about Coyote Bush with this activity.

Misc_DIY Rainstorm
Grab your umbrella! Or don't, because you can make this rainstorm all within your own kitchen! Learn about how rainstorms are formed and find the directions to make your very own rainstorm in this activity!

Grab your umbrella! Or don't, because you can make this rainstorm all within your own kitchen! Learn about how rainstorms are formed and find the directions to make your very own rainstorm in this activity!

Snowy Plover
 Learn about the Snowy Plover and uncover a fun fact by solving a cryptogram puzzle with this activity.

Learn about the Snowy Plover and uncover a fun fact by solving a cryptogram puzzle with this activity.

Sustainability Bingo
Check out this activity to find a fun way to become more sustainable with our sustainability bingo (P.S. , you can't lose!)

Check out this activity to find a fun way to become more sustainable with our sustainability bingo (P.S. , you can't lose!)

Ocean Layers
Learn about the different layers of the ocean with this activity!

Learn about the different layers of the ocean with this activity!


Botany Memory Game
Learn to identify learn some common plants by playing this fun matching game!

Learn to identify learn some common plants by playing this fun matching game!

Ocean Tides
Learn about why we have different tides and learn about the different activities to do during high and low tides.

Learn about why we have different tides and learn about the different activities to do during high and low tides.

Dolphin, Whale, Shark lesson
Learn about the anatomy of Dolphins, Whales, and Sharks with this fun activity!

Learn about the anatomy of Dolphins, Whales, and Sharks with this fun activity!

DIY Face Coverings
 In this activity, you can learn three really easy ways to make a reusable face mask and reduce the waste being created!

In this activity, you can learn three really easy ways to make a reusable face mask and reduce the waste being created!

Common CA Snakes
Learn about common snakes in California with this crossword puzzle and informational worksheet!

Learn about common snakes in California with this crossword puzzle and informational worksheet!

Native Plant Flashcards lesson
Can you name some of the most common native plants on the Central Coast? If not, don’t worry! This lesson will teach you! Use these pre-made flashcards to test your knowledge.

Can you name some of the most common native plants on the Central Coast? If not, don’t worry! This lesson will teach you! Use these pre-made flashcards to test your knowledge.

Feather lesson
Birds are the only animals on Earth that have feathers! Learn about the function of feathers in this lesson!

Birds are the only animals on Earth that have feathers! Learn about their function in this lesson!

Elephant Seal
Check out this worksheet to learn more about the elephant seals and solve the maze to help the elephant seal escape the great white shark!

Check out this worksheet to learn more about the elephant seals and solve the maze to help the elephant seal escape the great white shark!

Learn more about how an item you use twice a day can affect the planet with this worksheet.

Learn more about how an item you use twice a day can affect the planet with this worksheet.

Hermit Crab Maze
Have you ever seen a hermit crab without a shell? Check out this activity to learn about hermit crabs!

Have you ever seen a hermit crab without a shell? Check out this activity to learn about hermit crabs!

Botany Crossword Activity
Test your knowledge with this fun botany themed crossword puzzle!

Test your knowledge with this fun botany themed crossword puzzle!

DIY Constellations
Teach your kids about constellations and make your own constellations at home!

Teach your kids about constellations and make your own constellations at home!

Scat Mammal lesson
This lesson will help you identify common scat from California animals! This is a useful tracking tool that hunters and wildlife managers have used for hundreds of years.

This lesson will help you identify common scat from California animals! This is a useful tracking tool that hunters and wildlife managers have used for hundreds of years.

Invert vs Vert
Teach your kids about the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates with this activity!

Teach your kids about the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates with this activity!

Plastic art lesson
Take your garbage and turn it into a master piece with this fun activity!

Take your garbage and turn it into a master piece with this fun activity!

Flower Symmetry Activity
Have you ever noticed how some flowers look perfect? This is not just a coincidence! Download this activity to learn about two types of symmetry found in flowers.

Have you ever noticed how some flowers look perfect? This is not just a coincidence, flowers look this way in order to attract more pollinators to them. Download this activity to learn about two types of symmetry found in flowers.

Intro to Birding
Did you know that the Central Coast is known for its birding? With this lesson, you will be able to learn the basics of birding!

Did you know that the Central Coast is known for its birding?
With this lesson, you will be able to learn the basics of birding!

Mammals of CA word search
Learn about some common mammals found in California with a fun word search!

Learn about some common mammals found in California with a fun word search!

Plastic Pollution
Did you know that 28 billion pounds of plastic ends up in our ocean every year?! Learn more about plastic pollution with this activity!

Did you know that 28 billion pounds of plastic ends up in our ocean every year?! Learn more about plastic pollution and what you can do to reduce your waste with this activity!

Jellyfish lesson
Learn about the anatomy of a jellyfish and learn about some jellyfish you can see in the Pacific Ocean with this worksheet!

Learn about the anatomy of a jellyfish and learn about some jellyfish you can see in the Pacific Ocean with this worksheet!

Ice Plant Worksheet
Did you know that this plant commonly found here on the central coast is an invasive species? Learn more about Carpobrotus edulis in this activity!

Did you know that this plant commonly found here on the central coast is an invasive species? Learn more about Carpobrotus edulis in this activity!

DIY Sundial Activity
Teach your kids how to tell time using a sundial!

Teach your kids how to tell time using a sundial!

Humpback Whale Activity
Interested in these gentle giants? Check out this activity to learn more about humpback whales!

Interested in these gentle giants? Check out this activity to learn more about humpback whales!

Writing and Addressing a Letter Activity
Teach your kids the lost art of writing letters with this interactive activity!

Teach your kids the lost art of writing letters with this interactive activity!

The Bee
Learn about California Native bees and the anatomy of bees with this educational worksheet.

Learn about California Native bees and the anatomy of the bee with this educational worksheet.

Bee Friendly Garden
Add some color to your garden and create a friendly attractive garden for the bees!

Add some color to your garden and create a friendly attractive garden for the bees!

Excavate a Cookie
Excavate a cookie like an archaeologist with this activity taken from the New York City Repository!

Excavate a cookie like an archaeologist with this activity taken from the New York City Repository!

Predators and Prey
Learn about how predators and prey are essential for a healthy ecosystem in this worksheet!

Learn about how predators and prey interact in a food web with this worksheet!

Bear, Trout, Mosquito Game
Ready to play a fun game with your kiddos. This game is a combination of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and "Tag".

Ready to play a fun game with your kiddos. This game is a combination of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" and "Tag".

DIY Felt Dudleya Succulents
Make your own felt succulent!

Make your own felt succulent!

Bird Bingo
Take a social distancing hike to the beach and compete with your family to ID and find the birds! Match four in a row to win!

Take a social distancing hike to the beach and compete with your family to ID and find the birds! Match four in a row to win!

Animal Tracks
Animal Tracks Identification Worksheet

Animal Tracks Identification Worksheet

Build a Bird Feeder
Celebrate the Earth by recycling your toilet rolls and feeding the birds!

Celebrate the Earth by recycling your toilet rolls and feeding the birds!

DIY Plant Press
Learn how to create your own plant press! Learn to identify plants in your own backyard and create beautiful art.

Learn how to create your own plant press! Learn to identify plants in your own backyard and create beautiful art.

Bats Activity
Teach your children about Bats! Using our educational worksheet, teach your kids the facts about bats and the common misconceptions.

Teach your children about Bats! Teach your kids the facts about bats and the common misconceptions

Tide Pools
Teach your kids about the animals that live in the tide pools.

Teach your kids about the animals that live in the tide pools.

Teach your kids about he western widow, a native arachnid frequently seen on the Central Coast!

Teach your kids about he western widow, a native arachnid frequently seen on the Central Coast!

Backyard Scavenger Hunt
Get outside and help your children identify some common plants and animals using this interactive activity.

Get outside and help your children identify some common plants and animals using this interactive activity.

Teach your kids about the difference between Rainbow Trout and Steelhead Trout.

Teach your kids about the difference between Rainbow Trout and Steelhead Trout.

All about SEA OTTERS
Learn about Sea Otters and how they have adapted to utilize tools to help hunt for food!

Learn about Sea Otters and how they have adapted to utilize tools to help hunt for food!

Covid-19 Time Capsule
Looking for a fun activity to do with your kids at home? Check out the Time Capsule Activity to help your children process and document this unique period of time.

Looking for a fun activity to do with your kids at home? Check out the Time Capsule Activity to help your children process and document this unique period of time.

Tree Ring Info
Learn about how scientists use tree rings to age trees

Learn about how scientists use tree rings to age trees

Monarch Butterfly
Print out this awesome illustration of the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly to teach your children about one of nature's most incredible transformations!

Print out this awesome illustration of the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly to teach your children about one of nature's most incredible transformations!

Grey whale
Learn about the Gray Whale and its annual migration from the Arctic down to the lagoons in Baja.

Learn about the Gray Whale and its annual migration from the Arctic down to the lagoons in Baja.

What makes a mammal
Teach your kids about what makes a mammal unique!

Teach your kids about what makes a mammal so unique and different from other animals in the animal kingdom!

Learn about the anatomy of one of the most common household pests!

Learn about the anatomy of one of the most common household pests!

Food Web Scavenger Hunt
Get outside and learn about how every organsim is connected. This scavenger hunt will teach you kids about decomposers, producers, and consumers.

Get outside and learn about how every organsim is connected. This scavenger hunt will teach you kids about decomposers, producers, and consumers.

Plant Dissection
Learn about the anatomy of a flowering plant using the dissection guide!

Learn about the anatomy of a flowering plant!

What is a scientist
Teach your kids about what it means to be a scientist.

Teach your kids about what it means to be a scientist with this interactive worksheet.

Oso Flaco Lake Common Animals
Can you identify the animals at Oso Flaco?

Can you identify the animals at Oso Flaco?

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