December 3, 2013

Are You Smarter Than a Dunes Center Student?

DSC_0864 croped 700 300Students in the Dunes Center’s after school program have been learning all about rocks. They have been expanding their science knowledge and applying it to our local natural areas. Did you know that metamorphic rocks need pressure and heat? Or that the Guadalupe Nipomo sand dunes move into several unique formations such as star and barchan? Students of our after school classes are becoming the next generation of local writing sand dunes 201312

Leading them to geology stardom is our wonderful team of college interns. Our interns lead science and nature activities each week at several locations around the Central Coast. Joining us this fall are new interns, Nestor Espinoza, Melissa Sullivan and Rebecca Miller. They join our current interns William Meyst, Tori Norville and Megan Kropf. Together the interns have reached over a hundred students this fall.

Coming into 2014, after school programs will focus on oceans and the life within it. Students will learn about why the ocean is salty, marine mammals and underwater plant life among other amazing topics. Today’s geologists might be next year’s marine biologists!

Thank you to all of our Dunes Center supporters for making these programs possible.

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